The following program committee will review the submissions:
- Tavis Ormandy (Google) @taviso
- Mark Dowd (AzimuthSecurity) @mdowd
- Alex Rice (Facebook)
- Charlie Miller (Twitter) @0xcharlie
- David Litchfield (V3rity Software) @dlitchfield
- Nico Waisman (Immunity) @nicowaisman
- Philippe Langlois (P1 Security) @philpraxis
- Laurent Gaffie (Trustwave)
- Julien Tinnes (Google)
- Brad Spengler (aka spender) (Grsecurity)
- Silvio Cesare (Volven Security Solutions) @silviocesare
- Carlos Sarraute (GranData)
- Itzik Kotler (aka izik) @itzikkotler
- Jason A. Donenfeld (ZX2C4) @zx2c4
- Rodrigo Branco ( @bsdaemon
- Tim Shelton (HAWK Network Defense) @redsandbl4ck
- Ilja Van Sprundel (IOActive)
- Raoul Chiesa (Security Brokers)
- Dhillon Andrew Kannabhiran (HITB) @hackinthebox
- Philip Petterson (aka Rebel)
- The Grugq @thegrugq
- Emmanuel Gadaix (Globe Relay Inc) @gadaix
- Kugg (/tmp/lab)
- Harald Welte (Sysmocom) @LaF0rge
- Van Hauser (THC)
- Fyodor Yarochkin @fygrave
- Gamma (THC, Teso) @GammaTHC
- Pipacs (Linux Kernel Page Exec Protection)
- Nico Golde (Qualcomm) @iamnion